WorkItem Tracking#


See QuickStart


Now that we have the connection object webApi, we can get the instance of WorkItemTrackingApi.

var wit = webApi.getWorkItemTrackingApi();

We have access to the functionalities that WorkItem Tracking Api has.

Available functions#

Create a work item#

Create a work item quickly. There are overloaded methods available to help you create the work item(s) on the fly or with additional details you want.

// Create a work item only with title
wit.createWorkItem("user story", WorkItemOperation.ADD, "My first user story");

// Create a work item with description and add tags
wit.createWorkItem("user story", WorkItemOperation.ADD, "My first user story", 
    "This is my first user story, created from azd library.", new String[] {"DevOps", "azd", "java" });

// Create a work item with additional fields. Note that when you create a work item with additional fields
// you have to pass the internal field names. For instance, the internal name for title is System.Title and so on..

var additionalFields = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
    put("System.Tags", String.join(",", "DevOps", "Java", "azd"));

wit.createWorkItem("user story", "My first user story", 
    "This is my first user story, created from azd library.", additionalFields);

Delete a work item#

Delete a work item by id.


Delete a work item permanently#

Permanently delete a work item by id.

wit.deleteWorkItem(10, true);


If the destroy parameter is set to true, work items deleted by this command will NOT go to recycle-bin and there is no way to restore/recover them after deletion.

Get a work item#

Get a work item by id. This returns a WorkItem object and you can use it to identify the internal field names to use it in createWorkItem method.


// Get a work item and optionally expand the field
wit.getWorkItem(15, WorkItemExpand.ALL);

Get a list of work item#

Get a list of work item with array of id.

wit.getWorkItems(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 });

Get a work item's revisions#

Get a work item's revisions with work item id.


Query work items#

Get the results of work items by passing the team name and work item query.

String query = "Select * From WorkItems Where [System.WorkItemType] = 'User Story'";
wit.queryByWiql("myTeam", query);

Remove work item from recycle bin#

Remove a work item from recycle bin.


Get a work item from recycle bin#

Get a work item from recycle bin by id.


Get deleted work items from recycle bin#

Get all deleted work items from recycle bin.


Restore work item from recycle bin#

Restore a work item from recycle bin by id.


Update a work item#

Update a work item fields. The below example updates the Assigned To section of the work item. Note that we need to use the internal field name to update it.

var fieldsToUpdate = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{ put("System.AssignedTo", ""); }};
wit.updateWorkItem(7, fieldsToUpdate);

Add hyper links to the work item by id.

Map<String, String> hyperlinksMap = new HashMap<>();

        "This is a hyperlink that points to the Azure DevOps REST documentation.");

wit.addHyperLinks(17, hyperlinksMap);

Remove a list of hyper links from the work item.

List<String> hyperlinks = new ArrayList<>();


wit.removeHyperLinks(17, hyperlinks);

Get all work item types#

Get all applicable work item types.


Get a work item type#

Get a work item type by name.


Add an attachment to a work item#

To add an attachment to a work item you should create an attachment first. This requires you to pass file name, attachment upload type, project team name, attachment contents and work item id.

// 1) Add a text file to the work item.
var contentStream = StreamHelper.convertToStream("This is sample content");

var attachment = wit.createAttachment("testFile.txt", AttachmentUploadType.SIMPLE,
        "my-project-team", contentStream);

var attachmentFields = new HashMap<String, String>() {{
    put(attachment.getUrl(), "Test File url.");

wit.addWorkItemAttachment(994, attachmentFields);

// 2) Add a jpeg file to the work item
var contentStream = StreamHelper.convertToStream(new File("requirement-diagram.jpeg"));

var attachment = wit.createAttachment("requirement-diagram.jpeg", AttachmentUploadType.SIMPLE,
        "my-project-team", contentStream);

var attachmentFields = new HashMap<String, String>() {{
    put(attachment.getUrl(), "Infrastructure architecture diagram.");

wit.addWorkItemAttachment(1784, attachmentFields);

Remove an attachment from a work item#

To remove an attachment you should provide the attachment url, which you can get from the Relations section of WorkItem object.

// Remove an attachment from the work item.
var relations = wit.getWorkItem(133, WorkItemExpand.RELATIONS).getRelations();
String fileNameToRemove = "testFile.txt";
List<String> attachmentUrl = new ArrayList<>();

for (var relation: relations) {
    if (relation.getAttributes().getName().equals(fileNameToRemove)) {
        wit.removeWorkItemAttachment(133, attachmentUrl);

Get the work item activities#

List all the work item activities.


Get the work item fields#

Get the work item fields.


Create a work item field#

Create a work item field.

var workitemField = new WorkItemField();
workitemField.setName("New Work Item Field");
workitemField.setSupportedOperations(List.of(new WorkItemFieldOperation(){{


Delete the work item field#

Delete the work item field.

wit.deleteWorkItemField("New Work Item Field");

Update the work item field#

Update the work item field.

wit.updateWorkItemField("New Work Item Field", false);

Create a query folder#

Create a query folder.

var q = new QueryHierarchyItem();
var query = wit.getQueries().getQueryHierarchyItems().get(1).getId();

q.setName("Website team");
wit.createQuery(query, q);

Create a query in the previously created folder#

Create a query in the previously created folder.

var q = new QueryHierarchyItem();
q.setName("All Bugs");
q.setWiql("Select [System.Id], [System.Title], [System.State] From WorkItems Where [System.WorkItemType] " +
        "= 'Bug' order by [Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority] asc, [System.CreatedDate] desc");

wit.createQuery("My Queries/Website team", q);

Get all queries#

Get all queries.


Delete a query folder#

Delete a query folder.

wit.deleteQuery("My Queries/Website team");

Get queries in batch#

Get queries in batch.

var id = wit.getQueries().getQueryHierarchyItems().stream().findFirst().get().getId();
wit.getQueryBatches(QueryErrorPolicy.OMIT, QueryExpand.ALL, new String[]{id});

Search queries#

Search queries.
