

See QuickStart


Now that we have the connection object webApi, we can get the instance of PipelinesApi.

var pipelines = webApi.getPipelinesApi();

We have access to the functionalities that Pipelines Api has.

Available functions#

Get pipeline artifacts#

Get the pipeline artifacts.

pipelines.getArtifacts(22, 54, "drop");

// optionally get the artifacts section expanded
// This returns the PipelinesArtifact object and you can get the signed content URL from where you can
// download the artifacts
pipelines.getArtifacts(22, 54, "drop", PipelinesExpandOptions.SIGNEDCONTENT);

String url = pipelines
    .getArtifacts(23, 55, "drop", PipelinesExpandOptions.SIGNEDCONTENT)

try {
    var fileStream = new FileOutputStream("drop.zip");
        new URL(url).openStream()), 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);

} catch (IOException e) {

Get Pipeline logs#

Get the logs from pipeline.

// Pass the build definition id aka pipeline id and build id aka run id.
pipelines.getPipelineLogs(24, 513);

Create a pipeline#

Create a pipeline from the existing YAML file in the repository. You should've already created and hosted the YAML configuration file in the repository to use this functionality.

String repo = g.getRepository("myRepo");
pipelines.createPipeline("Deploy-WebApp-CI", "/", "/azure-pipelines.yaml", repo.getId(), repo.getName());

Get a pipeline using pipeline id#

Get a pipeline object using pipeline id. The pipeline id is the build definition id.


Get a list of all pipelines#

Get a list of all available build pipelines.


Test a pipeline#

Run a preview of the pipeline and get the YAML of pipeline as a result.

pipelines.previewPipeline(24, true);

Get a pipeline run#

Get the pipeline run or a build using pipeline id and run id.

pipelines.getPipelineRun(22, 234);

Get pipeline runs#

Get all the build of a pipeline.


Run a pipeline#

Run a pipeline using it's id.
