Service Endpoint#


See QuickStart


Now that we have the connection object webApi, we can get the instance of ServiceEndpointApi.

var endpoint = webApi.getServiceEndpointApi();

We have access to the functionalities that Service Endpoint Api has.

Available functions#

Create Azure RM service endpoint#

Create Azure resource manager service endpoint.

endpoint.createAzureRMServiceEndpoint("endpointName", "servicePrincipalId", "servicePrincipalKey", "tenantId", "subscriptionId", "subscriptionName");

Create a service endpoint#

Create a service endpoint. You should construct the request body based on the service endpoint you need to add. In this example we will create a generic service endpoint for an example application.

First, we need to supply a name for the endpoint - "MyNewServiceEndpoint" and type of the endpoint we need - "Generic".

Example can be viewed here.

var core = webApi.getCoreApi();
var project = core.getProject("myProject");

var ref = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(){{
    put("projectReference", new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(){{
        put("id", project.getId());
        put("name", project.getName());
    put("name", "MyNewServiceEndpoint"); // name of the endpoint

var lRef = List.of(ref);

var requestBody = new LinkedHashMap<>(){{
    put("data", "{}");
    put("url", "https://myserver");
    put("authorization", new LinkedHashMap<>(){{
        put("parameters", new LinkedHashMap<>(){{
            put("username", "myusername");
            put("password", "mysecretpassword");
        put("scheme", "UsernamePassword");
    put("isShared", false);
    put("isReady", true);
    put("serviceEndpointProjectReferences", lRef);

endpoint.createServiceEndpoint("MyNewServiceEndpoint", "Generic", requestBody)

Get a service endpoint#

Get a service endpoint with endpoint id.


Get all service endpoints#

Get all service endpoints.

var sEndpoints = endpoint.getServiceEndpoints();
for (var ePoint: sEndpoints.getServiceEndpoints()) {
    System.out.println(ePoint.getId() + ": " + ePoint.getName());

Delete a service endpoint#

Delete a service endpoint using endpoint id.

endpoint.deleteServiceEndpoint("endpointId", new String[]{"projectName"});

Share a service endpoint#

Share a service endpoint connection with other project.

var endpointId = s.getServiceEndpoints().getServiceEndpoints()
                .filter(x -> x.getName().equals("myEndpoint"))

endpoint.shareServiceEndpoint(endpointId, "projectName", "mySharedConnection");