Quick Start#

Acquire Personal access token#

Before getting started you will require personal access token to authenticate Azure DevOps services REST API. You can grab one by following the documentation.

Create A Connection Object#

Before using any methods in the library you should connect to Azure DevOps services Api. You can achieve this by creating a connection object. Azure DevOps services require Organization name, Project name and Personal access token to successfully authenticate to the REST API. You should create a connection object with all these parameters.

For instance refer this URL that allows you to list the available builds from pipelines, https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/build/builds?api-version=7.1-preview.7. You can get the organization name and project name from your Azure DevOps services URL similar to this.

Assuming that you have Organization name, Project name and Personal access token ready to access the REST API.

You can create a Connection object using AzDClientApi class in the library as shown below.

String organizationName = "my-organization";
String projectName = "my-project";
String personalAccessToken = "7d45tsdgfh7ehYgd648jksy6grj847dGtFRk9";

var webApi = new AzDClientApi(organizationName, projectName, personalAccessToken);

This connection object returns an instance of the respective API that you call. To get started on how to use the connection object and to know all available functionalities that azd has to offer jump to next section.


Not all the functionalities will be available in the library, if you feel that a method is missing for any significant API please create a feature request in github or feel free to create a pull request.