

See QuickStart


Now that we have the connection object webApi, we can get the instance of ReleaseApi.

var release = webApi.getReleaseApi();

We have access to the functionalities that Release Api has.

Available functions#

Create a release#

Create a release using release pipeline/definition id, artifact alias name, artifact id, artifact name and optionally set it to draft. You can get the artifact alias name from getReleaseDefinition method and by passing the release definition id. Artifact id is build id and artifact name is the name of build pipeline. In this case it is Demo-CI.

// Create a release using release definition id, artifact alias name, build id,  build pipeline name and is draft to false.
release.createRelease(2, "description", "_Demo-CI", 176, "Demo-CI", false);


Using the createRelease method won't actually deploy anything to the available stages. It creates a release and will be ready to kick off the deployment.

Get a release#

Get a release using release id.


Get release environment#

Get environments associated to a release. You need environment id to get the associated environment(s). You can get it from the release object.

release.getReleaseEnvironment(33, 4);

Get all releases#

Get a list of all releases.


Create a release definition#

To create a release definition you need the json string from existing release definition. Download the json using Export option from the Releases section of any pipeline and modify it. Then you can use it as a reference to create a definition.

Alternatively you get the ReleaseDefinition object from the existing pipeline and convert it to string and then create a pipeline based on that.


// Easy way to create/clone a release pipeline
var def = r.getReleaseDefinition(2);

var mapper = new JsonMapper();

var newDef = mapper.convertToString(def);

Delete a release definition#

Delete a release definition using definition id.


Get a list of release definitions#

Get a list of release definitions.


Update a release definition#

Update a release pipeline or definition. This comes handy in updating the variables, settings of a pipeline etc.

var releaseDef = r.getReleaseDefinition(2);

// Set the releases to keep in environment retention policy.

// Set the new value to the variables.
var config = new ConfigurationVariableValue();

var variables = new HashMap<String, ConfigurationVariableValue>(){{
    put("Name", config);



Update a release#

Update a release with the release object.

// Get the existing release from release id.
var releaseObj = r.getRelease(1225);

release.updateRelease(1225, releaseObj);

Queue a release#

Queue or start a release pipeline deployment.

// Pass the release id and release environment or stage name
release.queueRelease(354, "Dev");

Approve a release#

Approve a release before deploying.

// Pass the approval id
r.updateApproval(2, ReleaseApprovalStatus.APPROVED, "Good to go");